Banana references
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Publications on Banana
Agrawal A, Panis B, Swennen R. 2002. Effect of pre-treatment conditions and genotype on cryopreservation of in vitro cultures banana meristems. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology of Bananas. Leuven, Belgium, 9-11 September 2002. 49 pp.
Agrawal A, Sharma H, Swennen R, Panis B. 2002. Cryopreservation of banana meristem cultures: effect of vitrification solution on post-thaw survivial in seven cultivars. Global Conference on Banana and Plantain. Bangalore, India, 28-31 October 2002. pp. 33-34. Abstract.
Agrawal A, Swennen R, Panis B. 2004. A comparison of four methods for cryopreservation of meristems in banana (Musa spp.). CryoLetters 25:101-110.
Banerjee N, De Langhe E. 1985. A tissue culture technique for rapid clonal propagation and storage under minimal growth conditions of Musa (banana and plantain). Plant Cell Reports 4:351-154.
Banana [online]. Available from: Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
Bioversity International. 2009. Key access and utilization descriptors for banana genetic resources. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. Available here.
Calles T, Dulloo ME, Engels JMM, Van den Houwe I. 2003. Best Practices for Germplasm Management - A new approach for achieving genebank standards. Technical Report. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Global Crop Diversity Trust, Rome, Italy. Available here.
Daniells J, Jenny C, Karamura D, Tomekpe K. 2001. Musalogue: Diversity in the genus Musa. IPGRI/INIBAP/CTA, Rome, Italy. Available from: (16 MB). Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
De Langhe E. 2009. Relevance of banana seeds in archaeology. Ethnobotany Research and Applications (E-journal) 7:271-281. Available from the E-journal website at
De Langhe E, Vrydaghs L, de Maret P, Perrier X, Denham T. 2009. Why bananas matter: an introduction to the history of banana domestication. Ethnobotany Research and Applications (E-journal) 7:165-177. Available from the E-journal website at
de Vicente, C. and Fulton, T. 2003. Using molecular marker technology in studies on plant genetic diversity: Learning module Vol 1. IPGRI, Rome, Italy. View learning module here.Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
Dhed’a D, Dumortier F, Panis B, Vuylsteke D, De Langhe E. 1991. Plant regeneration in cell suspension cultures of the cooking banana cv. ‘Bluggoe’ (Musa spp., ABB group). Fruits, 46 (2):125-135.
Diekmann M, Putter CAJ, editors. 1996. FAO/IPGRI Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Germplasm. No.15. Musa spp. 2nd edition. Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome; International Plant Genetic Resources Intstitute, Rome, Italy. 28 pp. Available here.
Engels, J.M.M.; Visser, L. (eds.) 2003. A guide to effective management of germplasm collections. IPGRI Handbook for Genebanks No.6. IPGRI, Rome, Italy. Available in English (1.3 MB). and Spanish (1.5 MB)
FAO/IPGRI. 1994. Genebank standards. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome and International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome. Available in English (0.2MB), Spanish, French, and Arabic .
Feki L, Bouaziz N, Sahnoun N, Panis B, Drira N. 2009. Cryopreservation of date palm cv. Barhee proembryogenic masses using the ultra-rapid droplet freezing technique: expression of the osmotic stress gene and genetic stability. Meeting of the Workgroup 2 of the COST action 871 "Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe" Integration of Cryopreservation in Genebank Strategies. Gatersleben, Germany, 9-11 September 2009.
Gallard A, Panis B, Dorion N, Swennen R, Grapin A. 2008. Cryopreservation of Pelargnonium apices by droplet-vitrifications. CryoLetters 29 (3):243-251.
Gonzalez-Arnao MT, Ravelo MM, Villavicencio CU, Montero MM, Engelmann F. 1998. Cryopreservation of pineapple (Ananas comosus) apices, CryoLetters 19: 375-382.
Hamill S, Wasmund K, Smith M, Eccleston K, McKay D. 2005. Endogenous bacterial isolated from banana meristems during tissue culture initiation: problems and potential. In: Benett IJ, Bunn E, Clarke H, McComb JA. editors. Contributing to a Sustainable Future. Proc. Australian Branch IAPTC & B. Perth, Western Australia, AU. pp.101-111.
Helliot, B., Panis, B., Frison, E.A., De Clercq, E., Swennen, R., Lepoivre, P. and Neyts, J. 2003. The acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogues, adefovir, tenofovir and PMEDAP, efficiently eliminate banana streak virus from banana (Musa spp.). Antiviral Research (NLD), 59, (2), p. 121-126 An abstract of this publication can be read here.
Helliot B, Swennen R, PouMay Y, Frison E, Lepoivre P, Panis B. 2003. Ultrastructural changes associated with cryopreservation of banana (Musa spp.) highly proliferating meristems. Plant Cell Reports 21:690-698.
IPGRI, INIBAP, CIRAD. 1996. Descriptors for Banana (Musa spp.). IPGRI, Rome, Italy; INIBAP, Montpellier, France; CIRAD, France. 55 pp. Available here.
INIBAP. 2006. Global Conservation Strategy for Musa (Banana and Plantain). Available from: Accessed: 23 March 2010.
International Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV). 1991. International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. UPOV, Geneva. Available upon request in English, French, German and Spanish from: Date accessed: 23 March 2010
Lassoudiere A. 2007. Le bananier et sa culture. Editions Quae, Versail es Cedex, France. 383 pp.
Mafla G. 1994. Conservación de germoplasma In vitro. In: King C, Osorio J, Salazar L, editors. Memorias I Seminario Nacional sobre Biotecnología. Universidad del Tolima. Colombia. pp. 65-77.
Marco-Medina A, Casas JL, Swennen R, Panis B. 2010. Cryopreservation of Thymus moroderi by droplet vitrification. CryoLetters. 31 (1):14-23.
Matsumoto T, Sakai A, Yamada K. 1994. Cryopreservation of in vitro grown apical meristems of wasabi (Wasabi japonica) by vitrification and subsequent high plant regeneration. Plant Cell Reports 13:442-446.
Mbida MC, Doutrelepont H, Vrydaghs L, Swennen R, Swennen RJ, Beeckman H, De Langhe E, de Maret P. 2005. The initial history of bananas in Africa. A reply to Jan Vansina, Azania, 2003. Azania XL. The British Institute in Eastern Africa. pp. 128-135.
Mbida MC, Doutrelepont H, Vrydaghs L, Swennen R, Swennen RJ, Beeckman H, De Langhe E, de Maret P. 2004. Yes, there were bananas in Cameroon more than 2000 years ago. Infomusa 13 (1):40-42. Available here.
Murashige T. and Skoog F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco cell cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15:473–497. Available for purchase here.
MusaNet [online]. Homepage of the MusaNet portal. Available from: Accessed: 25 July 2011.
Panis B. 2008. Cryopreservation of Monocots. Chapter 11. In: Reed BM, editor. Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. pp. 241-280.
Panis B. 2009. Cryopreservation of Musa germplasm: 2nd edition. Technical Guidelines No. 9 (F. Engelmann and E. Benson, eds). Bioversity International, Montpellier, France. Available here.
Panis B, Helliot B, Strosse H, Remy S, Lepoivre P, Swennen R. 2005. Germplasm conservation, virus eradication and safe storage of transformation competent cultures. In: Chang WC, Drew R, editors. Banana: The importance of cryopreservation. Proceedings IInd IS on Biotech. of Trop. & Subtrop. Species. Acta Horticulturae 692. ISHS. pp. 51-59.
Panis B, Lambardi M. 2005. Status of cryopreservation technologies in plants (crops and forest trees). International Workshop on "The role of biotechnology for the characterisation and conservation of crop, forestry, animal and fishery genetic resources". Turin, Italy, 5-7 March 2005. pp. 43-54.
Panis B, Lambardi M. 2006. Status of cryopreservation technologies in plants (crops and forest trees). Chapter 6. In: Ruane J, Sonnino A, editors. The role of biotechnology in exploring and protecting agricultural genetic resources. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. pp. 61-78.
Panis B, Piette B, Swennen R. 2005. Droplet vitrification of apical meristems: a cryopreservation protocol applicable to all Musaceae. Plant Science 168:45-55.
Panis B, Schoofs H, Thinh NT,Swennen R. 2000. Cryopreservation of proliferating meristem cultures of banana. In: Engelmann F, Takagi H, editors. Cryopreservation of tropical plant germplasm. Current research progress and application. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan; International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. pp. 238-243.
Panis B, Strosse H, Helliot B, Lepoivre P, Remy S, Elsen A, De Waele D, Swennen R. 2002. Cryopreservation as a tool to store banana meristems and embryogenic cells, its nematodes and for virus eradication. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology of Bananas. Leuven, Belgium, 9-11 September 2002. 48 pp.
Panis B, Strosse H, Remy S, Sági L, Swennen R. 2004. Cryopreservation of banana tissues: support for germplasm conservation and banana improvement. In: Mohan Jain S, Swennen R, editors. Banana Improvement: Cellular, Molecular Biology, and Induced Mutations. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH, USA:13-21. Available from: Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
Panis B, Strosse H, Van den Hende S, Swennen R. 2002. Sucrose preculture to simplify cryopreservation of banana meristem cultures. CryoLetters 23:375-384.
Panis B. and N.T. Thinh. 2001. Cryopreservation of Musa germplasm. INIBAP Technical Guideline 5 (J.V. Escalant and S. Sharrock, eds). International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, Montpellier, France. Available here.
Panis B, Totté N, Van Nimmen K, Withers LA, Swennen R. 1996. Cryopreservation of banana (Musa spp.) meristem cultures after preculture on sucrose. Plant Science 121:95-106.
Panis B, Van den Houwe I, Piette B, Swennen R. 2007. Cryopreservation of the banana germplasm collection at the International Transit Centre - Bioversity International. Advances in Horticultural Science 21 (4):235-238.
Panta A, Panis B, Ynouye C, Criel B, Swennen R, Roca W. 2006. Improvement of potato cryopreservation for the long-term conservation of Andean landraces at CIP. 43rd Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology in association with the Society for Low Temperature Biology. Hamburg, Germany, 24-27 July 2006.
Plessis P, Steponkus PL. 1996. Effect of preculture in a sucrose-containing medium on the sugar content of potato shoot-tips, Cryobiology 33: 654-655.
Ploetz RC, Kepler AK, Daniells J, Nelson SC 2007. Banana and plantain—an overview with emphasis on Pacific island cultivars. Available from: Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
Processing and marketing platform [online]. Available from Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
ProMusa Musapedia [online]. The banana knowledge compendium. Available from Date accessed: 26 July 2011.
Purseglove JW. 1972. Tropical Crops. Monocotyledons. Vol. 2. Longman, London, UK.
Rao NK, Hanson J, Dulloo ME, Ghosh K, Nowel D and Larinde M. 2006. Manual of seed handling in genebanks. Handbooks for Genebanks No. 8. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. Available in English (1.5MB), Spanish (1.4MB) and French (1.9MB).
Robinson JC, de Villiers EA. 2007. The cultivation of banana. ARC-Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, Nelspruit, South Africa/Du Roi Laboratory, Letsitele, South Africa. 258 pp.
Roca WM, Chaves R, Marin ML, Arias DI, Mafla G, Reyes R. 1989. In vitro methods of germplasm conservation. Genome 31 (2):813-817.
Roca WM, Mafla G, Segovia RJ. 1991. Costo mínimo de un laboratorio de cultivo de tejidos vegetales. In: Roca WM, Mroginski LA, editors. Cultivo de tejidos en la agricultura: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones. pp. 912-920.
Sakai A, Kobayashi S, Oiyama I. 1990. Cryopreservation of nucellar cells of navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osb. var. brasiliensis Tanaka) by vitrification. Plant Cell Reports 9:30-33.
Sakai A, Engelmann F. 2007. Vitrification, encapsulation-vitrification and droplet-vitrification. CryoLetters 28:151-172.
Sánchez-Romero C, Swennen R, Panis B. 2009. Cryopreservation of olive embryogenic cultures. CryoLetters 30 (5):359-372.
Sant R, Panis B, Taylor M, Tyagi A. 2008. Cryopreservation of shoot-tips by droplet vitrification applicable to all taro (Colocasia exculenta var. esculenta) accessions. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 92:107-111.
Schoofs H. 1997. The origin of embryogenic cells in Musa. Dissertationes de Agricultura 330. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. 257 pp.
Simmonds NW. 1962. The evolution of the bananas. Tropical Agricultural Series. Longman Scientific and Technical, UK. 170 pp.
Simmonds NW, Weatherup STC. 1990. Numerical taxonomy of the cultivated bananas. Tropical Agriculture 67 (1):90-92.
Simmonds NW, Weatherup STC. 1990. Numerical taxonomy of the wild bananas (Musa). New Phytologist 115 (3):567-571.
Simmonds NW, Shepherd K. 1955. The taxonomy and origins of the cultivated bananas. Journal of the Linnean Society (Bot.), 55 (359):302-312. Abstract available from: Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
Stover RH, Simmonds NW. 1987. Bananas. Tropical Agricultural Series. Longman Scientific and Technical, New York, USA. 468 pp.
Strosse H, Schoofs H, Panis B, André E, Reyniers K, Swennen R. 2006. Development of embryogenic cell suspensions from shoot meristematic tissue in bananas and plantains (Musa spp.). Plant Science 170:104-112.
Strosse H, André E, Sági L, Swennen R, Panis B. 2008. Adventitious shoot formation is not inherent to micropropagation of banana as it is in maize. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 95:321-332.
Swennen, R. 1990. Plantain Cultivation under West African Conditions: A Reference Manual. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 24p.
Swennen R, Markham R, Frison E. 2004. Applying biotechnology in banana and plantain: implications for developing countries. PBI Bulletin. Issue 2. Biotechnology and developing countries. The potential and the challenge. NRC-CNRC Plant Biotechnology Institute, Canada. pp. 22-27.
Szabados L, Nuñez LM, Tello LM, Mafla G, Roa JC, Roca WM. 1991. Agentes gelanitizadores en el cultivo de tejidos. In: Roca WM, Mroginski LA, editors. Cultivo de tejidos en la agricultura: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones. pp. 79-93.
Takagi H. 2000, Recent developments in cryopreservation of shoot apices of tropical species. In: Engelmann F, Takagi H, editors. Cryopreservation of tropical plant germplasm. Current research progress and application. IPGRI, Rome, Italy. pp. 178-193.
Takagi H, Thinh NT, Islam OM and Senboku T. 1997, Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) by vitrification. 1. Investigation of basic conditions of the vitrification procedure. Plant Cell Reports 16:594-599.
Tenkouano A, Swennen R. 2004. Progress in breeding and delivering improved plantain and banana to African farmers. Chronica Horticulturae 44 (1):9-15.
Thinh NT, Takagi H, Yashima S. 1999. Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of banana (Musa spp.) by vitrification method. CryoLetters 20 (3):163-174.
Thomas P, Swarna GK, Roy PK, Patil P. 2008. Identification of culturable and originally non-culturable endophytic bacteria isolated from shoot tip cultures of banana cv Grand Naine. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 93:55-63.
Van den Houwe I, De Smet K, Tezenas du Montcel H, Swennen R. 1995. Variability in storage potential of banana shoot cultures under medium term storage conditions. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 42:267-274. An abstract and full preview of the publication is available here.
Van den Houwe I, Guns J, Swennen R. 1998. Bacterial contamination in Musa shoot tip cultures. International Symposium on Banana in the Subtropics. Acta Horticulturae 490:485-492. An abstract and purchase of the publication is available here.
Van Den Houwe, I., Jones, D.R. 1994. Musa germplasm distribution from the INIBAP Transit Center. Meeting: First Global Conference of the International Musa Testing Program, La Lima (HND), 27-30 April 1994. Publisher: INIBAP, Montpellier (France). Available here.
Van den Houwe I, Lepoivre P, Swennen R, Frison E, Sharrock S. 2003. The world banana heritage conserved in Belgium for the benefit of small-scale farmers in the Tropics. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 135:18-23.
Van den Houwe I, Panis B, 2000. In vitro conservation of banana: medium term storage and prospects for cryopreservation. Razdan MK, Cocking E, editors. Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in vitro. Vol. 2. M/S Science Publishers, USA. pp. 225-257.
Van den houwe, I., Panis, B., Arnaud, E., Markham, R. and Swennen, R. 2006. The management of banana (Musa spp.) genetic resources at the IPGRI/INIBAP gene bank: the conservation and documentation status. In: Segers, H., Desmet, P., Baus, E. (eds) Tropical biodiversity: science, data, conservation. Meeting: 3rd GBIF Science Symposium, Brussels, 18-19 April 2005.Available here. (8MB)
Van den houwe I. and Swennen R., 2000. Characterization and control of bacterial contaminants in in vitro cultures of banana (Musa spp.). Meeting: International Symposium on Methods and Markers for Quality Assurance in Micropropagation. Acta Horticulturae 530: p. 69-79. An abstract and purchase of the publication is available from: Date accessed: 23 March 2010.
Wang QC, Panis B, Engelmann F, Lambardi M, Valkonen J. 2009. Cryotherapy of shoot tips: a technique for pathogen eradication to produce healthy planting materials and prepare healthy plant genetic resources for cryopreservation. Annals of Applied Biology 154:351-363.
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