Crop Genebank Knowledge Base

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Terms used on the Crop Genebank Knowledge Base.

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Term Definition
Heterotic groups

Groups of germplasm that when crossed maximize heterosis. Heterosis is a phenomenon that heterozygotes in a population often have higher fitness than the homozygotes.


A diploid individual that has different alleles at one or more genetic loci (Gk. heteros, other) (cf. Homozygote)


Characters that arise by common descent.


A term in cladistic analysis that refers to the proportion of parallelisms and reversals on a phylogenetic tree. Also used for different DNA fragments of identical size that cannot be distinguished by gel electrophoresis.


A diploid individual that has identical alleles at one or more genetic loci (Gk. homos, same) (cf. Heterozygote)

HRIGRU - Warwick

Genetic Resources Unit of Warwick HRI University of Warwick UK


The process in which the moisture content of very dry seeds is raised by placing them in a humid environment humidification helps to prevent damage to seeds from rapid uptake of water.


International Atomic Energy Agency Austria


International Board for Plant Genetic Resources


International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (website)

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Sources for this glossary: IPGRI Tech. Bulletin 10: Molecular markers for genebank management and Seed handling in genebanks training course
Glossary open source software by M. Brampton

International Agricultural Research Centres who worked together to make this site possible:
Africa Rice Center | Bioversity International | CIAT | CIMMYT | CIP | ICARDA | ICRISAT | IFPRI | IITA | ILRI | IRRI |

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