Crop Genebank Knowledge Base

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Conserving fodder and forage crops

The ILRI genebank: Saving forage crops for livestock and their keepers.

This video deals with the importance of conserving forages using accepted standards and best practices as global public goods in trust under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. It covers the importance of conserving forage diversity for now and the future to use to address adaptation to diseases and climate change.

You can watch this video, and many other videos produced by ILRI, online by clicking here.

Part 1 (4 MB)

Part 2 (4 MB)

Part 3 (5 MB)


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International Agricultural Research Centres who worked together to make this site possible:
Africa Rice Center | Bioversity International | CIAT | CIMMYT | CIP | ICARDA | ICRISAT | IFPRI | IITA | ILRI | IRRI |

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