Monitoring in field banks of forage grass genetic resources
Contributors to this page: ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Jean Hanson); CIAT, Cali, Colombia (Rainer Schultze-Kraft); Bioversity International/ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Alexandra Jorge).
Germplasm testing in field banks
- When field banks are established from seeds, use the same procedures as for viability in forage seed genebanks.
Health diagnosis in field banks
- It should be carried out annually or if any disease symptoms are noticed.
- When established from seeds use the same procedures as for health in forage seed genebanks.
- The same pests and disease apply for field grown plants.
Routine monitoring of field banks
Methods and frequency
- Survival rates - Check survival monthly (most forage grasses that have to be maintained in a field genebank are perennial and regular monitoring is important to ensure survival).
- Vigour - Record vigour monthly.
- Pests and diseases - Inspect for pests and diseases monthly (this is sufficient to identify any pests or diseases and rescue the plants if problems are detected).
- Replacement by other weeds - Rogue out plants of other species regularly and at flowering time. Check taxonomy at least once in a year.
Recording information during routine monitoring of field genebanks
The following information should be recorded for each step:
- Accession number (an ID number).
- Genus (genus name of the plant, entered in full).
- Species (species name of the plant, entered in full).
- Field genebank site name (a code to indicate the site of seed production).
- Plot number (the plot number at the production site).
- Date of monitoring (date when data is collected).
- Name of staff (name of staff recording the data).
- Damage [a score of 1-5 (where 5 is damaged) on amount of damage (specifying insect, disease etc)].
- Vigour [assessment of vigour of the plants on a scale of 1-5 (where 5 is high)].
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