Crop Genebank Knowledge Base

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General items

This section contains categories for links, website information etc.


On this page you can find newsletters as well as information on upcoming events, job opportunities or scholarships related to genebanks or genebank management.



Infomus@ newsletter

The latest issue can be found at the Promusa website


EFITA newsletter - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment:

To read this newsletter on the web site please go to:


Collective Action & Property Rights news:

To read this newsletter please go to:




Second issue of AWARD Science Alert

In this issue, there is information on:

a) Science courses b) Web resources c) Journals d) Conferences e) Funding opportunities

The AWARD team welcomes your feedback and contributions to this newsletter. Please email contributions about the conferences, courses and other science capacity building opportunities you have participated in to Florence Sipalla at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information at:;


The Online-Only Conference for the Life Science and Biotech Community

BioConference Live is the first of its kind online-only event, focused on a wide array of scientific disciplines, bringing together researchers, thought leaders, and professionals from around the world. Making it easier and more cost-effective than ever before for the community to come together online, transcending time and distance.

More information can be found at

November 17-19, 2009

Global Crop Diversity Trust Award Scheme: Enhancing the Value of Crop Diversity: Third Call for Proposals

This is the Third call under this Award Scheme. All interested parties are hereby invited to submit proposals for consideration by the Trust for an award in early 2010. This call is being made in coordination with the complementary call of the Generation Challenge Programme.

The Genotyping Support Services (GSS) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research’s (CGIAR) Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) promotes the use of molecular markers to assess the potential value of germplasm by linking grantees with genotyping facilities they may not otherwise have access to. The call for proposals by GSS targets breeding programmes and/or germplasm collections in national agricultural research systems (NARS), academia, and civil society organisations in developing countries. The third call for proposals is open now, further information is available at

15 December 2009

Geographical Information Systems"A Practical Approach" Course, University of Stellenbosch Business School, Cape Town, South Africa

For more information email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 23 - 25 November 2009

Optima – Organization for the Phyto-taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area

The next OPTIMA Meeting XII is to be held in Antalya (Turkey). For more information click the link below:

22-26 March 2010


Job opportunities and scolarships


Employment and scolarships on Collective Action & Property Rights can be found at





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About this site

The Crop Genebank Knowledge Base is an initiative of the System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). It was developed as part of the World Bank funded project “Collective Action for the Rehabilitation of Global Public Goods in the CGIAR Genetic Resources System, Phase 2 (GPG 2)”.

Our goal

We want to contribute to more efficient and effective ex situ conservation and use of crop genetic resources through facilitating easy access to the knowledge and best practices for genebank management of selected crops and to many aspects of general genebank management.

We therefore provide dynamic, up-to-date information on:

  • Peer-reviewed best practices for germplasm conservation of a number of major crops, from registration through to distribution, including protocols, guidelines, manuals, as well as on general genebank procedures.
  • Other aspects of management strategies such as decision support, maintenance of genetic identity, performance indicators, quality and risk management, safe transfer of germplasm, specialized collections.
  • Training materials such as training modules, handbooks, videos, images and useful links.

Our primary objectives

  • Provide a user-friendly online access to procedures, standards and practices for managing clonally propagated and seed crops held in genebanks.
  • Compile and adapt best practices in the framework of a learning platform.
  • Provide links to other related information and training resources.
  • Implement a mechanism to update the existing best practices for crop management in genebanks and to develop best practices for additional crops.
  • Build capacity of genebank curators and technicians.

Our target audience and beneficiaries

The primary users and beneficiaries of this website are genebank curators and technicians responsible for managing germplasm collections. Breeders and farmers will benefit from more efficient mechanisms to distribute and access germplasm. Universities will also benefit from this important collection of resource materials to train new researchers in agricultural biodiversity conservation.


Website development and maintenance

The Crop Genebank Knowledge Base website was developed within the framework of the World Bank funded project “Collective Action for the Rehabilitation of Global Public Goods in the CGIAR Genetic Resources System, Phase 2 (GPG2)”, which was implemented from January 2007 to June 2010 (SGRP 2010).

The crop best practices and relevant information for banana, barley, cassava, chickpea, forage grasses and legumes, maize, rice and wheat were collated and written by genebank experts of the CGIAR centres and national genebanks worldwide for their respective crops. Procedures and learning resources were compiled by the CGIAR centres and management strategies were contributed by different groups carrying out parallel activities of the GPG2. The web site was officially launched in December 2010. 

More details about the CGKB development can be found in Jorge et al 2010 here.

The website is currently being translated into Spanish. New sources of information, sections and best practices are being developed, based mainly on voluntary contributions from interested users, on an ongoing basis. For a detailed list of all contributors, please click here.

You can contribute to this site, by sending us an email, by leaving a comment, or by discussing your best practices under development with colleagues using the wiki. Or check our blog for an update on the latest developments of the CGKB.


Promotional material

Below you can find some materials that were and are used for promoting the CGKB.

References and further reading

Jorge M A, Claessens G, Hanson J, Dulloo ME, Goldberg E, Thormann I, Alemayehu S, Gacheru E, Amri A, Benson E, Dumet D, Roux N, Rudebjer P, Sackville Hamilton R, Sanchez I, Sharma S, Taba S, Upadhyaya HD, van den Houwe I. 2010. Knowledge sharing on best practices for managing crop genebanks. Agricultural Information Worldwide 3:2 101-106. Available from: Date accessed: 14 October 2011.

SGRP. 2010. Global Public Goods Project Phase 2 - Final Report. Systemwide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP). Bioversity International. Rome, Italy. Available here (2.5 MB).

Thormann I, Qiu Yang, Allender C, Bas N, Campbell G, Dulloo E, Ebert AW, Lohwasser U, Pandey C, Robertson LD, Spellman O. 2013. Development of best practices for ex situ conservation of radish germplasm in the context of the Crop Genebank Knowledge Base. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 60(4):1251-1262. DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9916-5.


This page acknowledges all contributors and sources of information used for this website. If you contributed and your name is not here please let us know as soon as possible.



Arnaud, Elizabeth
Bolton, Michael
Dolezel, Jaroslav
Dumet, Dominique
Gueye, Badara
Horry, Jean-Pierre
Jorge, Alexandra
Kodjo, Tomekpe
Panis, Bart
Roux, Nicolas
Ruas, Max
Van den Bergh, Inge
Van den Houwe, Ines
Vezina, Anne


Alô, Fida
Amri, Ahmed
Asaad, Siham
Humeid, Bilal
Konopka, Jan
Omran, Adnan
Rukhkyan, Natalya
Street, Kenneth


Cuervo, Maritza
Benson, Erica
Debouck, Daniel
Dumet, Dominique
Escobar, Roosevelt
Gueye, Badara
Harding, Keith
Hershey, Clair
Jorge, Alexandra
Mafla, Graciela
Panis, Bart
Rios, Llerme
Roux, Nicolas
Van den Houwe, Ines


Amri, Ahmed
Börner, Andreas
Antalikova, Gabriela
Gowda, Cholenahalli L.L.
Redden, Bob
Rukhkyan, Natalya
Sastry, Dintyala
Sharma, Shivali
Sharma, Shyam
Singh, Sube
Stoyanova, Siyka
Street, Kenneth
Upadhyaya, Hari D.


Forage grasses

Cantrell, Juvy B.
Cuervo, Maritza
Debouck, Daniel
Hanson, Jean
Jorge, Alexandra
Proud, Janice
Schultze-Kraft, Rainer 

Forage legumes

Amri, Ahmed
Asaad, Siham
Cantrell, Juvy B.
Cuervo, Maritza
Debouck, Daniel
Hanson, Jean
Jorge, Alexandra
Proud, Janice
Rukhkyan, Natalya
Shehadeh, Ali
Snowball, Richard
Street, Kenneth


Costich, Denise
Dumet, Dominique
Furman, Bonnie J.
Millard, Mark
Taba, Suketoshi
Teixeira, Flavia


Allender, Charlotte
Bas, Noortje
Börner, Andreas
Campbell, George
Dulloo, Ehsan
Ebert, Andreas
Lohwasser, Ulrike
Pandey, Chitra
Robertson, Larry
Thormann, Imke
Xixiang, Li
Yang, Qiu


Alcantara, Adelaida
Almazan, Soccie 
Duveiller, Etienne
Gonzales, Patria
de Guzman, Flora
Hay, Fiona
McNally, Ken
Naredo, Elizabeth
Sánchez, Ines
Reaño, Renato
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh


Amri, Ahmed
Bockelmann, Harold
Knűpffer, Helmut
Payne, Thomas
Taba, Suketoshi


General procedures

Dulloo, Ehsan
Hanson, Jean
Jorge, Alexandra

Safety duplication

Cantrell, Juvy B.
Espinosa, Catherine
Hanson, Jean
Horna, Daniela
Jorge, Alexandra
Panta, Ana
Tay, David


Alercia, Adriana
Bettencourt, Eliseu
Castañeda Álvarez, Nora
Crossa, Jose
Dansi, Alexandre
Davis, Aaron P
de Vicente, Maria Carmen

Eastwood, Ruth J
Engelmann, Florent
Engels, Jan M M
Friis-Hansen, E
Frison, Emile
Garruccio, Maria
Galluzzi, Gea
Giampieri, Francesca
Goldberg, Elizabeth
Guarino, Luigi
Hammer, Karl
Hanson, Jean
Hay, Fiona R
Herrmann, Laetitia
Hermann, M
Jackson, G V H
Iriondo, José María
Kell, S P
Lesueur, Didier
Macfarlane, Robert
Mackay, Michael
Magos Brehm, J
Mathur, Prem N

Maxted, Nigel
Moore, Gerald
Morimoto, Yasu
Parra-Quijano, Mauricio
Pence, Valerie C
Probert, Robin J
Quek, P
Ramanatha Rao, V
Scheldeman, Xavier
Schmidt, Lars
Thomas, Evert
Thormann, Imke
Torres Lamas, Elena
van de Wouw, Mark
Van Zonneveld, Maarten
Vencovsky, Roland
Vincent, H A
Volk, Gayle M
Way, Michael
Williams, Karen A

Management strategies

Decision support tool

Ademola, Ogundapo
Almazan, Socorro
Aquino, Genevieve Mae
Chavez, Victor
Ciprian, Arsenio
Cuervo, Maritza
Debouck, Daniel
Dulloo, Ehsan
Dumet, Dominique
Escobar, Roosevelt
Espinoza, Bibiana
Futakuchi, Koichi
Gonzales, Patria
Gumafelix, Jonalyn
Guzman, Flora
Hanson, Jean
Hernandez, Angela Marcela
Horna, Daniela
Jorge, Alexandra
Komerell, Victor
Koo, Bonwoo
Kumar, Arvind
La Liberte, Brigitte
Loayza, Mauro
Mafla, Graciela
Manyong, Victor
Martinez, Josefina Realpe
Ocampo, Charina
Payne, Thomas
Reaño, Renato
Reddy, K.N.
Reddy, V.G.
Rivas, Marcial
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh
Sanches, Ines
Santos, Luis Guillermo
Santos, Teresita
Sastry, Dintyala
Singh, S.
Smale, Melinda
Taba, Suketoshi
Telosa, Anthony
Telosa, Miriam
Thakur, R.P.
Toro, Orlando
Upadhyaya, Hari D.
Van der Houwe, Ines

Genetic identity

Alercia, Adriana
Arnaud, Elizabeth
Ayodele, Maria
Crouch, Jonathan
Dulloo, Ehsan
Duveiller, Etienne
de la Fuente, Juan
Gasman, Francisca
Ghislain, Marc
McNally, Kenneth
Mezzalama,  Monica
Mugo, Stephen
Payne, Thomas
Rey, Jessica
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh
Sharma, Shivali
Singh, Murari
Street, Kenneth
Taba, Suketoshi
Tay, David
Torp, Jan
Upadhyaya, Hari D.
Wu, Huixia

Quality management

Galsworthy, David
Jorge, Alexandra
Rojas, Edwin

Performance indicators

Dumet, Dominique
Henson-Apollonio, Victoria
Laliberte, Brigitte
Nguyen, Hang
Payne, Thomas
Robinson, Jonathan
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh
Toll, Jane
Watts, Jamie
Wood, Melissa


Altoveros, Nestor
Amri, Ahmed
Baidu-Forson, Jojo
Borromeo, Teresita
Clancy, Evelyn
Ferro, Pamela
Gagné, Gabrielle
Glave, Manuel 
Halewood, Michael
Hanson, Jean
Lapeña, Isabel
Lopez Noriega, Isabel
Louafi, Selim
Muthamia, Zachary
Mwila, Godfrey
Opati, Linda 
Ramirez, Marleni
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh
Sadiki, Mohammed
Sajise, Percy
Sigueñas, Manuel
Sebastian, Leocadio
Siang, Lim
Tay, David 
Upadhyaya, Hari D
Wambugu, Peterson

Risk management

Dumet, Dominique
Ellis, Dave
Fitzsimon, John
Hanson, Jean
Jorge, Alexandra
Loayza, Mauro
Payne, Thomas
Reaño, Renato
Reed, Barbara
Romero, Gabriel
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh
Upadhyaya, Hari D.

Safe transfer of germplasm

Asaad, Siham
Almodiel, Myra (rice)
Ayodele, Maria
Barker, Ian
Cantrell, Juvy B.
Chuquillanqui, Carols
Cuervo, Maritza
Debouck, Daniel
Dubin, Jesse (reviewer)
Dumlao, Joel (rice)
Duveiller, Etienne (coordinator and wheat contributions)
Fuentes, Segundo
Galsworthy, David
Girish, A.G.
Gonzales, Evangeline
Gonzales, Patria (rice)
Gutarra, Liliam
Hanson, Jean (forage grass and legume)
Huelma, Carlos (rice)
Kumar, Lava
Manrique, Ivan
Martinez, Josefina
Medina, César Augusto
Mezzalama, Monica (wheat and maize)
Moukahal, Abdulrahman
Muller, Giovanna
Norgaard, Jesper
Payne, Thomas (wheat)
Pérez, Willmer
Phipps, Eloise (editorial support)
Proud, Janice
Ramírez, José Luís
Rao, V.P.
Simon, Reinhard
Smith, Julian
del Socorro Balcazar, Maria
Tay, David
Thakur, R.P.
Tomlinson, Derek
Van den Houwe, Ines
Woodhall, James
Ynouye, Cecilia

Specialized collections

Arnaud, Elizabeth
Ellis, Dave
Gill, Bikram
Glaszmann, Jean Christophe
Henson Apollonio, Victoria
Janis Thiriet
Kawase, Makoto
Kurata, Nori
Lagoda, Pierre
May, Sean
Ogbonnaya, Francis
Re Manning, Francesca
Rouard, Mathieu
Roux, Nicolas
Sackville Hamilton, Ruaraidh
Sharma, Shivali
Sharma, Shyam
Tohme, Joe
Tuberosa, Roberto

Learning resources

Bolton, Michael
Claessens, Geert
Corthouts, Lieven
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Dulloo, Ehsan
Duncan, Ruth
Gacheru, Esther
Goldberg, Elizabeth
Hanson, Jean
Jorge, Alexandra
Schmidt, Emily
Zanon, Andrea


External reviewers

Borromeo, Teresita (rice)
Diederichsen, Axel (barley)
Gold, Kate (learning resources)
Goodman, Major (maize)
Kim, Taesan (rice)
Porcari, Enrica (learning resources)
Staiger, Simone (learning resources)
Valkoun, Jan (barley, wheat)
van de Wouw, Mark (forage grasses and legumes)
Yadav, Shyam (chickpea)

Website development

Coordination and design

Claessens, Geert
Dulloo, Ehsan
Goldberg, Elizabeth
Hanson, Jean
Jorge, Alexandra
Tazza, Patrizia
Thormann, Imke

IT support

Claessens, Geert
Vidal, Thomas

Editing and revision

Alemayehu, Selam
Alercia, Adriana
Baena, Margarita
Cherfas, Jeremy
Claessens, Geert
Dulloo, Ehsan
Gacheru, Esther
Jorge, Alexandra
Hanson, Jean
Libreros, Dimary
Rengifo, Victoria
Rudebjer, Per
Salcedo, Jesus Maria
Sheridan, Kathleen
Spellman, Olga
Tesfahun, Aynalem
Thormann, Imke


Spanish translation


Alma McNab

IT support

Claessens, Geert
Lopez Lopez, Ricardo
Puccini, Alfred
Savolainen, Jussi


Sources of information

CGN-The Netherlands, USDA-USA, IPK-Germany, EMBRAPA-Brasil, NBPGR-India, SARC-RIPP- Slovak Republic, IPGR-Bulgaria, DPI-Australia, CIAT, ICRAF, IFPRI, IITA, IRRI, ILRI, WARDA, CIMMYT, ICARDA, ICRISAT, CIP, UPLB-Philipines, GRCTPL-Australia and Bioversity International publications and websites



We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the wide range of experts who have spent so much of their valuable time and contributed significantly in different ways to the improvement of the content, layout and navigation of this website.

Special thanks are extended to: Bioversity International staff, SGRP secretariat staff, Capacity Development and Education specialists of the CGIAR centres, GLOBAL CROP DIVERSITY TRUST staff, SGRP exchange fellows and the participants of the International Training Course on Plant Genetic Resources and Genebank Management (Suwon, Republic of Korea, 7-18 September 2009).



Copyright policies of materials (including images) from contributing centres


The image is property of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). All rights reserved. Responsibility for the image rests solely with CIMMYT. Permission for its use by [name of organization] is granted as follows:
1. Permission is granted for use by [name of organization] only. CIMMYT retains full rights over the image and it is licensed to no other organization.
2. Permission to use the image is granted on a one-time basis only as an illustration for the purpose/publication described in the attached message.
3. The image will be used without altering, distorting, or otherwise changing through digital or other means.
4. CIMMYT will be acknowledged as the source of the image.
5. Commercial use is prohibited, without express permission of CIMMYT. CIMMYT contact details.


IITA holds the copyright to its publications, images, and Web pages but encourages duplication of these materials for noncommercial purposes. Proper citation is required and modification of these materials is prohibited. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is hereby granted without fee and without a formal request provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on the first page. Copyright for components not owned by IITA must be honored and permission pursued with the owner of the information. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission. IITA Contact details.


Copyright policy for published materials.


Creative commons policy for re-distribution of materials.




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