Import/export of pigeonpea germplasm

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Contributors to this page: ICRISAT, Patancheru, India (RP Thakur, AG Girish, VP Rao).

Exporting Germplasm

The ICRISAT-PQL, in conjunction with NBPGR Regional Station, Hyderabad, conducts seed health tests on germplasm prior to export. The following export guidelines are to be followed before submitting seed material PQL for export.


  • Pre-export inspection of seed multiplication fields by NBPGR quarantine officials for seedborne diseases at various growth stages of the crop to avoid their spread.
  • Collection of seed from fully mature and healthy plants.
  • Cleaning seed to remove insects, pathogen propagules (smut sori, ergot sclerotia, and nematode cysts), weed seed, crop debris, soil clods, stones, other foreign material, and small, shrunken, discolored and damaged seed.
  • Submission of an on-line request for export of germplasm (form available at ICRISAT intranet under GT-Crop Improvement).
  • Submission of untreated seed in fresh muslin bags or paper packets along with the four-point declaration certificate (available at PQL) for quarantine processing.
  • Submission of the phytosanitary requirements, such as import permit, non-commercial value certificate, additional declaration for seed borne pathogens and pests, and any other specific regulations/requirements.

Examples of seed export letters are given below:

For more detailed information see the full text of the Plant Quarantine Guidelines and Procedures for Germplasm Exchange of ICRISAT Mandate Crops (ICRISAT, 2004).

Importing Germplasm

Seed and plant material for research can only be imported into India after obtaining an Import Permit (IP). As per Schedule X of the Plant Quarantine Order, 2003, Director, NBPGR is empowered to issue import permits for all kinds of import of plant germplasm for public/private sector institutions in the country. An IP is also required to import live insects, all fungi in pure cultures, soil, or clay for microbiological studies or physical and chemical analyses. For each of these items, authorities designated by the Government of India issue the import permit. The consignee should abide by the following import guidelines.


  • Submission of on-line request for import (form available at ICRISAT intranet under GT-Crop Improvement) of seed/plant/plant products/ other material) to PQL.
  • Submission of the import application by PQL to the relevant import-issuing authority (see table below).

Competent authorities to issue various import permits

Type of imports

Permit issuing authority

Seeds and plants for sowing,
Planting Transgenics*
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)*

Director, NBPGR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012. India

Live insects
Microbial cultures
Fungi in pure culture 
Plant stover samples 

Plant Protection Adviser to the Government of India, Directorate of  Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage N.H. IV, Faridabad, Haryana 121 001, India

* After getting clearance from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
Block 2, 7th floor, C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110030

  • PQL provides the import permit to the consignee along with mailing labels, guidelines, and an advance notice form for onward transfer to the consignor.
  • Advance notification of shipment by the consignor to the Director, NBPGR, New Delhi 110012, India with a copy to the Chief Plant Quarantine Officer, ICRISAT. (The consignor should use green-mailing labels bearing the address “Director, NBPGR, New Delhi 110 012”).
  • Accompanied baggage import: Seed and plant material brought as accompanied baggage also requires an IP and PC. The international airports located at New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, and Kolkata are the points of entry for seed/plant samples brought into India as accompanied baggage. In such cases the seed samples should be handed over to the staff of the Plant Quarantine and Fumigation stations at the airport.

For more detailed information see the full text of the Plant Quarantine Guidelines and Procedures for Germplasm Exchange of ICRISAT Mandate Crops (ICRISAT, 2004).

References and further reading

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). 2004. Plant Quarantine Guidelines and Procedures for Germplasm Exchange of ICRISAT Mandate Crops. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India; National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, India; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India.

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